He listened patiently as I spoke of my many doubts and problems. In reply, he would just ask, "Anymore?" I continued like this for two or three hours. I was extremely agitated and anxious for answers. Finally he sighed and said, "Put down!" These words struck me like lightning. My body poured sweat; I felt like I had been instantly cured of a bad cold. I felt a great weight being suddenly lifted from me. It was a very comfortable and soothing feeling. We just sat there, not speaking a word. I was extremely happy. It was one of the most pleasant nights of my life. The next day I continued to experience great happpiness. The whole world was fresh, as though I was seeing it for the first time.

At this time I realized two important points necessary for practice. The first has to do with "causes and conditions." Certain things not entirely under your control ─ your own karma, the karma of others, environmental factors ─ must come together in a way that favors making progress in this lifetime. To make great progress in practice you must have this karmic affinity ─ the proper conditions must exist.

Second, one must have effective methods of practicing under the guidance of a qualified master. From the time I left home I spent fifteen years in my practice. I thought this was much too long. In the past whenever I asked my teachers for guidance, they would just say, "Work hard. What else is there to talk about?" But now I realized there were two requirements ─ working hard on a good method, and having a good master.