I arrived in America in the winter of 1975 to present the teaching and the experience of Ch'an Buddhism. Though I have written in both Chinese and Japanese I cannot express myself as well in English. In this respect, I may have failed to fulfill some expectations that people had of me.
Fortunately, among my American disciples and students, are several who have a good command of both English and Chinese. Thus, when I speak on Ch'an teaching and practice, my remarks are translated immediately into English. On formal occasions, such as retreats, lectures, and seminars, these remarks are also taped. Many of these talks, after transcription, organization, and editing, are published in two of our publications, Ch'an Magazine, and Ch'an Newsletter. Many readers have expressed interest in and appreciation for these articles, thus providing the first causing-condition for publishing this book.
Ch'an is the supreme realization of the original nature of mind. It neither affirms nor negates any conceptual point of view, hence does not need language for its expression. On the other hand, one can exhaust the resources of language, and still not express the ultimate Ch'an. This is because Ch'an transcends knowledge, symbols, and all the apparatus of language.