The goal of the Ch'an retreat is the furtherance of practice, and when the causes and conditions are ripe, the actual experience of Ch'an ─ of "seeing self-nature, " or "getting the Buddha-mind."In one way or another, all the talks point in the direction of guiding and helping students along the path of liberation. The retreats are occasions for energetically practicing together; the talks, signposts along the way. I hope that their publication can bring some insight and help to the growing number of Americans who find benefit in the study and practice of Buddhism. This is the third and final causing-condition for this book.

The preparation of this book has been a collaboration by several people, over a span of time, beginning with on-the-spot translations, primarily by Ming-Yee Wang. Other translators include Bhiksu Kuo-Jen (Paul Kennedy), and Sramanerika Kuo-Hsien (Karen Swaine). Transcription, typing, and collection of the texts was done mostly by Sramanerika Kuo-Hsien. Marina Heau proofread the manuscript. Nancy Makso coordinated the printing effort. Rick Halsted proofread the printer's galleys. Organization and editing of the text was done by Ernest Heau, with the assistance of Sramanerika Kuo-Hsien, Harry Miller, and Dan Stevenson. Bringing the whole together as chief editor, Ernest Heau has dedicated the most energy of all. I hereby express my thanks to these individuals.

Ch'an Master Sheng-Yen Ch'an Meditation Center Elmhurst, New York July 15, 1982