Zen Wisdom 155

Yes, it is possible. Such people are neither insane nor suffering from Ch'an sickness. Rather, they temporarily view the world so differently that their words and actions may seem odd. Others observing them may think that they are insane, but in fact they are fine. This stage will pass and they will return to what is considered normal behavior.


Can a practitioner who does not have the proper guidance suffer from Ch'an sickness or go insane if he or she has a no-self experience?


It is possible. If the teacher is not around and the person has an experience of emptiness ─ not necessarily enlightenment ─ then he or she could develop mental problems or become deeply confused. That is why both Ch'an and Tibetan Buddhism stress the need for a qualified teacher. That is why there is a tradition of transmission from teacher to student. There is a process that one needs to go through when one walks a spiritual path. If you meet someone who claims to be enlightened and offers to teach you, yet has not received transmission, or has not been recognized by a qualified master, then be wary.


You have said that whenever we experience anything strange, we should just ignore it. I find this to be valuable. You have also said that we should regard anything or anyone that helps us as the gift of a bodhisattva. I regard anything that helps my practice as a bodhisattva's gift and anything that hinders my practice as demonic influence. To me, everything is practice.