Of course, every religion has its benefits. Followers of Nichiren Shoshu claim correctly that their hopes and desires are often fulfilled when they chant the name of the Lotus Sutra (Namu myoho renge-kyo). But this not unique, nor is it very special. It is a phenomenon found in all religions. Those who have faith when they pray or chant will often find that their hopes and desires are satisfied. The idea behind the Nichiren Shoshu sect is to chant in large numbers, so that the power generated is amplified. This is part of the mystical religious experience, but it is common. Christians pray, followers of Pure Land chant Amitabha Buddha's name.
I also believe that followers of Nichiren Shoshu will eventually return to traditional Buddhism, just as people did after Nichiren Daishonin's death. The reason is that right now it is a religion without roots, without heritage. There is no body of wisdom, theory and concepts to base their religion on. Eventually, they will trace their roots, and it will lead them to the Great Tripitika of the Dharma. Now they are like a people without a heritage, an empty shell without internal wealth. It cannot sustain itself, and when the followers of this sect realize it, they will go back to Buddhism. For this reason, I am not opposed to the religion of Nichiren Daishonin.