What about Han Shan (Cold Mountain)?
Han Shan happened to write poetry, but he did not think of himself as a poet.
Earlier you said that entertainment helps people vent their emotions. For example, listening to an orchestra perform a symphony might move someone to cry. What is the difference between this and the occasional emotional outbursts one might encounter during retreat?
There are similarities, but it is not the same thing. When people cry or laugh on retreat, they often do not know why they do so. It's more an adjustment within the body rather than a venting of emotions. People who cry at a symphony know why they are crying.
It is also possible for people on a retreat to think of things that cause them to vent their emotions in a particular way, but afterwards they usually feel relieved and peaceful. People at a symphony who cry may also feel relieved and peaceful afterwards, but it's probably not the case most of the time. Besides, feeling peaceful on retreat is conducive to better practice. People who feel peaceful after crying at a symphony are probably not going to make use of their calm condition. Have you ever cried at a symphony?
No, but on retreat I did, and I didn't feel peaceful afterward because I didn't get it all out.