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14 The ten vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva are: To worship and respect all buddhas, to praise the tathagatas, to cultivate generosity (dana), to repent all karmic obstructions, to rejoice in the merits of others, to request the turning of the Dharma Wheel , to request that the buddhas dwell in the world, to follow the buddhas in study, to always harmonize with sentient beings, and to transfer all merits to all others.

15 The bhumis are the ten stages of the bodhisattva path, resulting in Buddhahood at the tenth stage. See glossary.

16 The Huayan doctrine, based on the Avatamsaka Sutra, describes fifty-two levels of bodhisattvahood, beginning with an ordinary being who generates bodhi-mind and who has the intention to become a fully liberated being. The last ten stages of this fifty-two level system are called the bhumis.

17 Early Buddhist traditions refer to approximately 20 different schools that arose in different parts of India, between some 100 to 500 years after the Buddha’s death. They fall into two major schools: the Sarvastivadins and the Mahasangikas. The schools have their own interpretation of Dharma and sila-vinaya (precepts and rules of discipline), but have a common philosophical basis in the agamas and the abhidharma.

18 Wisdom of all things (sarvajnata) is the wisdom that arises with the realization of the emptiness of all things and events.

19 Wisdom of the Path (argajnata) refers to all there is to know about the conventional realm, especially in regard to helping to liberate sentient beings.

20 Wisdom of all Aspects (sarvakarajnata) is the perfect knowledge of everything—all dimensions of reality as it is. This is one of the wisdoms exclusive to a buddha.

21 Analytical emptiness, or emptiness derived from meditative, philosophical analysis of Buddhist principles, is an aspect of the abhidharma tradition of Buddhism.

22 An arhat is a Buddhist saint who has been liberated from the samsaric cycle of birth and death.

23 From German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time (Sein und Zeit).