There Is No Suffering 87

The Four Noble Truths

There is no suffering, no cause of suffering,
no cessation of suffering, and no path.
there is no wisdom and no attainment.
Therefore, Sariputra,
with nothing to attain, bodhisattvas,
relying on prajnaparamita,
have no obstructions in their minds.

The line, “There is no suffering, no cause of suffering, no cessation of suffering, and no path (out of suffering),” seems to negate the four noble truths, which are closely related to the twelve links of conditioned arising. One who does not perceive the emptiness of the twelve links remains in samsara, the cycle of birth and death, the ocean of suffering. Therefore, if you have trouble contemplating the causes and conditions that are the twelve links, then you should try contemplating the four noble truths.