Most of you can void to some of these levels, but can't forget the method, not to mention yourself or the environment. These are major obstacles for most people. If you can at least forget the method, you lose awareness of time and sit very well. If you can forget yourself, you may experience a personality change. If you can then forget the environment and enter samadhi, you will definitely undergo a big change. You will have moved a long way from phenomena to emptiness. At that time I will give you a method to go beyond that, to the stage of "no self."
To sum up the five levels: first, empty your mind of thoughts of your daily life. Second, put down thoughts coming up during the retreat. Third, void the method itself. Fourth, forget yourself. Fifth, forget the environment. Ask yourself what level you have been able to reach so far.
When I meditate, I go through the same five steps. One by one, I forget the previous level until I reach the fifth level. In the past I would go through this process very slowly. Now I pass very quickly and smoothly through each level. With practice you will be able to do the same. It is written in the Sutras that Sakyamuni Buddha would enter into what is called the "levels of dhyana" when he meditated. He would enter the first level of dhyana before going to the second, the third, and so on. The analogy is not exact though. What I am talking about here are the levels from the ordinary state of mind to samadhi. This would be equivalent only to the first level of the Buddha's dhyana. Of course you're not meditating on the level of the Buddha, but the process is the same.
So with these instructions, you can be very clear about how to practice. When you are working hard, you can see your own practice very clearly. As you move from one level to another you know clearly what the next level is. Like the rungs of a ladder the steps are well marked out. With continued practice you'll eventually ascend very quickly.