Getting The Buddha Mind 98
At lunch, I ate but it didn't seem like food. After the meal, Master Sheng-Yen told me to go into the zendo because my work wasn't finished. I didn't know what to think or feel. Just what is Wu? So once again, I sat. I wasn't sitting long, when Master Sheng-Yen took me into the interview room. He said that I should relax, take a bath and come back at three o'clock. I went to the woods where I could see the ocean and the beach below. It was more beautiful than ever. I met Dan. We talked about Buddhism and animals we'd seen that day. I don't think either of us was making too much sense, but it didn't matter!
When the retreat was over, I felt very close to everyone. I think that closeness was also felt by everyone else. Master Sheng-Yen described it as a dream we all shared. Now the dream is over. It is.