It's okay to do that. Use the normal method and then go to the other. But you should still approach sitting with the attitude I explained. It is a precious and happy time. This helps you shift more quickly into a calm mind, and you are already relaxing before you are on the cushion. This attitude won't happen overnight. You have to cultivate it. I am talking about your mental and emotional state. If you just had a fight you probably would not feel calm enough to sit. But if you could cultivate the attitude I have described, you will be able to say, "Let's just sit."
Just sitting and watching thoughts without following them is difficult for beginners. I thought counting breaths was more concrete, easier to hold on to.
For beginners or for someone who has had a hectic day, just sitting can be used at the start. Just sit, and when the mind settles down, you can switch to your usual method. If you feel it is comfortable and useful to continue the method you started with, that is fine, too.
There is shikantaza and counting the breaths. You usually tell us not to switch methods. Sometimes, those first few minutes can be very scattered. If you have something firm to hang on to, like counting breaths, it could help you to settle down. Would it be okay to start with this and then when the mind is clearer, switch to shikantaza?