Zen Wisdom 179

There is a difference between virtuous karma and karma related to practice. Karma related to practice is generated by sentient beings who aspire to liberate themselves from samsara. They will be reborn in worlds where it is possible to continue to practice. Virtuous karma does not necessarily include karma related to practice. If a person practices for both wisdom and virtuous merit, then he or she may be reborn in certain heavens of form where practice is still possible.


When I experience the consequence of a previous action, does that karmic force disappear?


The force of karma never disappears; it remains with you until you transcend the three realms. So, if you experience the consequence of an action, karmic force does not disappear. It changes. Karmic force is analogous to water rushing down a mountain. If the water is blocked by a stone, it will alter its course and continue to flow until it reaches the ocean. Likewise, when you experience the consequence of a previous action, your karmic force will change direction.


If this is the case, is it then wrong to say that I have burned off some of my previous bad karma whenever I experience suffering in my life?


No, you can still say that. After you have suffered, your karmic force remains, but in an altered form. In other words, your karma doesn't exist as individual packets of good and bad actions waiting to manifest. It is all one karmic force. So, if you experience something bad, it is the consequence of previous bad actions, and your karma changes accordingly. The same is true for experiencing something good.