It's normal to feel good about yourself if you do something good. As long as you are attached to a self, then it is impossible not to feel self-centered. If you could do something without being self-centered, then there would be no merit or virtue involved. You would be a Buddha or bodhisattva. There is merit and virtue only if there is a self. If you do good deeds, then of course you are creating good karma, and you will receive merit for your actions. As I said earlier, it depends on your state of mind. Your actions might be based on greed or your actions might be based on love. One is more virtuous than the other. But in both cases, the actions and motives stem from a self.
Is it possible to be less attached to things, or is it an all-or-nothing proposition?
Yes, there are different levels and degrees of attachment. Some people are obsessive about everything; some people are excessively greedy; some people are very attached to some things and not at all to others; some people's desires are light across the board. It all depends on the person, the level of his or her practice, his or her state of mind, and the situation. If you are concerned with the motives behind your thoughts, words and actions, then the best thing would be to practice so that you may develop clearer self-awareness.