Impossible. Without symbols and other sense objects of the sixth consciousness, the discriminating mind cannot function. You would either be dead or brain dead. When someone has pure awareness, symbols, memory and reasoning are still present in the sixth consciousness, but the individual is not attached to them. The individual's mind has reached a level of equanimity. Nothing moves in the mind, but the functions of the mind are still present.
Enlightened beings and Buddhas are like ordinary sentient beings in that they still have and use a sixth consciousness. They remember, reason, think and learn. The difference is that fully enlightened beings are not attached to selves. They are free from desire, ignorance, arrogance and doubt. They are not self-centered. Their discriminating mind has been transformed from vexation into wisdom.
So one can say that I have a sixth consciousness, but I am attached to it. I believe that the sixth consciousness is what I am. But an enlightened being just uses the sixth consciousness like a tool.
Yes, a Buddha still uses the sixth consciousness. A Buddha still talks in terms of "I and you, I and it." A Buddha can still distinguish between subject and object. But a Buddha is not attached to any of his discriminations. An ordinary sentient being says, "I am I and you are you, " and believes it to be true. An ordinary sentient being identifies with his or her thoughts and body. Buddhas are not attached to their bodies and thoughts, but they still use them expediently. If Buddhas did not make use of their bodies and minds, they would not be able teach ordinary sentient beings.
What, then, is in the mind when it reaches a level of no thought?