Zen Wisdom 23

It is important to have a regular sitting schedule. But practice does not end when you get up from the cushion. or vexations might interrupt your practice. To practice well on your own takes great will power.

In regard to short-term vs. long-term practice, results and progress will depend on your level of experience, your karma, and causes and conditions. Practicing for a long time does not guarantee more enduring experiences, just as practicing for a short time does not preclude having an experience. So long as you practice, that is good. Focus all your energies on the present sitting. If you can maintain this attitude every time you meditate, you will make progress.

I always stress the importance of daily practice. It is important to have a regular sitting schedule. But practice does not end when you get up from the cushion. You should be mindful in all situations. Whether you are doing something you like or dislike, whether it is to your advantage or disadvantage, you don't put yourself at center stage. Put aside self-centeredness; cultivate compassion. Be helpful to others in everything you do; this will help decrease self-centeredness. Most importantly: Whenever you do something, just do it with focused awareness. Do not be lazy and allow your mind to wander. This is daily practice. This is mindfulness.

For most people, this type of lifestyle is impossible. In order to practice in this way, it is important to meditate every day, and to periodically attend more intensive retreats.