I thought that, according to Buddhadharma, all things were mutually interacting and penetrating. If that is true, then the Dharma will always be with us and there will always be the possibility of attainment.
What you say comes from the Avatamsaka Sutra. But you can only experience that truth once you attain high levels of practice. It is said that all things are mutually related, mutually connected, mutually penetrating; but if you are just an ordinary sentient being, you cannot experience that condition. Your body is your body and not mine. Your home is your home and not someone else's. If we as unenlightened people tried to incorporate this ultimate principle into our daily lives, society would fall into chaos. Although all phenomena interpenetrate, we as ordinary sentient beings do not experience it that way.
I suppose the best attitude to take is to make a vow to practice now and do the best possible, regardless of what age it is said to be. Perhaps I should vow to be reborn where Buddhadharma flourishes, so that I may continue to practice in the future.
Ch'an says there is no coming or going, so it does not matter where you are reborn. What matters is now, this life. What matters is your practice in the present moment. Don't worry about Dharma Ending Ages and other worlds. Just practice and cultivate Buddhadharma.