As to having children sit and meditate, it's not a bad idea, as long as you realize how difficult it is for children to sit still. If they show an interest, show them how to sit, and have them try it for five minutes. If they wish to continue, that's fine. If they want to get up and play, or do something else, that's fine too.
It seems that children are so open when they are young, and that society and schooling tends to constrict them rather than enhance their openness. Is it possible, with children, to save them from that process, and help them make strong spiritual progress while they are still open and flexible? As a strange hypothetical situation, if a Ch'an master were able to raise a child, free of the constrictions of cultural conditioning, would the child be in a better position to advance quickly in the practice?
You forget that sentient beings have their own karmic roots. There is no way that a parent, or Ch'an master, or anyone can intentionally raise children such that they automatically become deeply enlightened people. It all depends on each person's previous karma, which is accumulated over innumerable lifetimes. Besides, Ch'an masters are too busy to be raising children.