When you follow wandering thoughts, you are restricting your awareness; your mind is restricted to that particular thought train. When you don't follow your wandering thoughts, your mind is free and open. Tell your mind it can go anywhere it pleases, but you will not follow it. At this time your body will be relaxed and your mind will be free because you are not restricting it in any way. This is the most enjoyable time. You have nothing to do. Both mind and body are at ease. If you have no thoughts, that's good, and let it be that way. But if thoughts arise, then notice your breath. If your breath is long and smooth, then you are comfortable. You don't even have to continue to notice your breath. If your mind is clear, just sit. But once you start to feel your body, then make sure your posture is correct.
I hope you can do this. Don't think you have to sit because you owe somebody something.
When I teach people how to meditate and tell them it is a way of clearing the mind of thoughts, some say that it is impossible not to think. They say you are always thinking, even if you are thinking of nothing. Is it possible to know something without conceptualizing it? No thinking or reasoning, just pure awareness?
Your students are right because it is difficult to imagine such a state if you have never experienced it, or if you do not meditate. Also, when you think you are not thinking, that itself is thinking. With meditation you can reach a point where there is no fluctuation, no scatteredness, no confusion. You reach a state of equanimity. Your mind is peaceful. There are no waves. That is being clear. In that situation, however, there are still thoughts. But if you maintain that clarity, you won't think about them.
Sometimes I find it hard to put aside time to meditate. Is it okay to meditate on a train while commuting to and from work? It's hard to keep a correct posture on those seats.