Zen Wisdom 43


Is it possible to go about your daily activities and perceive the world like a camera or mirror ─ non-discriminating ─ without being enlightened?


There is the mind of intuition and there is the mind of non-discrimination. They are different. Unenlightened people can, to varying extents, rely on their intuition. By intuition, I mean knowing, saying and doing things in a direct way, without relying much on the thought process. With a truly non-discriminating mind, there are no vexations. With the mind of intuition, vexations can still arise from the subconscious. A mind of intuition can be cultivated and strengthened with meditation. It is not enlightenment, but it is a good state of mind.


How do you practice when there is not enough time to sit because of a hectic schedule or other obstacles? It can be disillusioning.


During your busy day, try to find little bits of time to sit and relax and clear your mind. It doesn't have to be on a cushion, and it doesn't have to be for thirty minutes or an hour. Take three or five minutes here and there to sit: at your desk, in a car or bus or train. You can do this anywhere and anytime. Relax your body and mind. Breathe. Settle your mind. Let your mind and body refresh themselves.

If your schedule is too hectic to set aside even five minutes, then try to relax your mind and body while you are working or walking or talking. Make work your practice. Be mindful of what you do and say.