Zen Wisdom 62

The third barrier is called the "prison barrier." It is the equivalent of thorough enlightenment. Here, you break out of the prison of samsara, transcending the cycle of birth and death. It is as if everything has disappeared ─ the universe and the self. It is said that at this point even the king of the underworld, who is in charge of life and death, cannot find you. If feelings of self and attachment return, then it is not thorough enlightenment. There is still a self, and the king of the underworld will be able to find you.

You should not place much emphasis on seeing your true nature. Don't waste time fantasizing about the "ultimate experience." However, don't be lazy or apathetic in your practice; seeing into one's true nature is not an easy task.

Be wary of the master who confirms a lot of so-called enlightenment experiences. Sometimes a master gives false confirmation. This is not only true today; it's been happening frequently since the Ming dynasty. Since that time, there has been a phrase ─ "The seal made from the winter melon" ─ which aptly describes the situation. When a master confirms an enlightenment experience, it is like giving a Dharma seal. A seal should be made of hard stone or jade, something enduring. But a seal made from the winter melon is not sturdy.