Zen Wisdom 63

Inappropriate affirmations reflect the lack of skill and insight of masters. Perhaps the masters have not truly seen their own original nature. Or perhaps they are mediocre practitioners who still have many vexations. Maybe they are greedy, desiring more disciples so that they can increase their power in the Buddhist community, and increase their chances of having Dharma descendants. Attachments influence some masters negatively, leading them to confirm enlightenment experiences that are not genuine. Such masters are using the seal of a winter melon, or, worse, the seal of soft tofu. Really, it doesn't matter how many disciples a master has. Even one or two devoted practitioners is sufficient. If a master has no Dharma descendants, all it means is that his or her lineage will end. It's no big deal. Bodhidharma, the First Patriarch of Ch'an, had only three Dharma descendants besides Hui-ke (the Second Patriarch), two men and a woman.

In earlier times, masters who gave false confirmations were sharply criticized. They were called weak generals. Strong generals protect the "gate" well. They do not allow people to sneak past them. They cannot be bribed, and they are not easily fooled. Only those who are strong can pass. Weak generals, on the other hand, are not steadfast and vigilant.

False confirmations are not good, especially for practitioners. Practitioners would find it difficult to progress further if they thought they had already seen their self-nature. And they may lose faith in Buddhadharma should they discover that their experiences were not genuine.


Perhaps people who have seen their self-nature feel worse afterward precisely because they are more aware of their vexations? Before the experience they were ignorant of their vexations, so there was nothing to be upset about.


No, that wouldn't be the case. If you are aware of your vexations, it follows that you'll be less attached to them. To be aware of your vexations means that you understand your condition as an ordinary sentient being. Because you understand that it's natural for sentient beings to have vexations, you will not be upset by your own.